Epoch Estate Wines
When determining where Epoch Estate Wines would plant its roots, Liz and Bill Armstrong considered two things: their passion for geology (the two are professional geologists) and their love for Rhône varietals. These focal points led them to Paso Robles in 2004.
The Armstrongs and the entire Epoch team hope to unveil the land’s rich history in every sip of Epoch Estate Wines. Their goal: That every person who drinks a glass of Epoch can taste their dedication to quality and admiration for their vineyards. Having planted 144 acres with numerous varietals like Syrah, Grenache, and Zinfandel, Epoch strives to craft wines that are both elegant and bold. Wines that are testaments to the special sites on which they were grown.
This September, experience these storied wines at The Cellar Door. Click here to book your experience today.